British Tomato Growers’ Association Technical Committee – first meeting under new leadership

The first BTGA Technical committee led by our two new Co-Chairmen, Roly Holt (R&L Holt) and Rob James (Thanet Earth) took place on 14 March on Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire.

The meeting was well attended by members and covered a range of key current topics including the plan for the future activities of the committee and how we intend to operate and focus efforts going forward.

As ever, Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus was top of the agenda

Our first guest during the session was Dr Adrian Fox from Fera Science Ltd sciences who is the leading British scientist helping us deal with Tomato Brown rugose Fruit virus (ToBRFV). Adrian updated the committee on current developments in these respects. The current status of the virus together with a wealth of additional information can be found on the Fera Science ToBRFV portal, which will be updated with key actions and guidance when they arise.

Dr Fox also discussed the emergence of a new mite vectored virus present in Southern Europe, Tomato Fruit Blotch virus (ToFBV). For more detail, please visit the EPPO website, and we will make available a forthcoming Defra information sheet on this new virus when published.

Protecting our tomato crops

Dr Jo McTigue from Horticulture Crop Protection (HCP) Ltd presented an overview of current crop protection issues for tomatoes, including the EAMUs that need attention over the coming months. For each crop, HCP have developed a Pest and Disease Risk Register, which is an essential document and method which helps us to track the severity of different pest and disease challenges, assess risk and prioritise crop protection activity to best effect each year.

Based on the estimated spend for the next period, the BTGA Technical committee will propose expenditure for 2024-5 to the TGA Board and subsequently raise the required funds from contributors.

Bemisa tabacii consultation

Dr Phil Morley (BTGA Technical Officer) updated the committee on the recent consultation regarding control of Bemisia tabacii (a vector of several tomato plant viruses). The BTGA understands that the results of the consultation will be published over the coming weeks and will update all members in due course.

Research and development strategy

During the afternoon session Dr Phil Morley discussed the 5-year R&D Strategy document under development which will be shared more widely when completed. Phil Morley will also contact your business in due course to discuss your specific needs so we can collate a list of priorities for the BTGA Technical committee to review and share with research organisations to stimulate research in those important focus areas.


Edward Kimberly from NFU Energy joined the meeting in the afternoon to discuss the current energy market in relation to tomato production. Lots more on this issue, alongside information and guidance on efficient energy management in glasshouses, can be found via the on the Growsave project. The Growsave project, a programme specifically developed to share best practice and innovations to help protected edible growers use energy more sustainably and cost-effectiviely, is currently still funded by legacy money from the AHDB, which comes to an end in August. Alternative funding streams are currently being investigated to try and ensure this information and support remains freely accessible to the industry the industry.

Communications - what’s coming up?

Dr Phil Morley discussed current BTGA communications including our new monthly newsletter which many members will already have seen, updating members on key BTGA activity and relevant industry news. Contact Nathalie Key to be added to the circulation list.

Our annual marketing campaign, British Tomato Fortnight, is building up and will take place between 27 May and 9 June – we would love as many members as possible to support the campaign to increase its impact. Find out how you can get involved here.

We also discussed the 2024 Tomato Conference, which will be themed around Balancing Business and Environmental Sustainability, preparations for which are now well underway. It will take place at the Chesford Grange Conference centre in Kenilworth again on Thursday 26th September.

NFU Horticulture and Potatoes

Rob James updated the committee on current NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Board activities. High on that agenda was the current Defra agenda to require all imported plants for planting, and indeed other materials such as biological control organisms, to pass through Border Control Points (BCP’s) when entering the country. This is of significant concern to those growers who import propagated plants for planting. BCP’s do not have the necessary bio-security measures to ensure cross contamination by pathogens and pests do not occur, nor the capacity to process these checks efficiently. Nevertheless, Defra would appear to be continuing with this strategy which will be a requirement from April 2024. The NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Board continues to lobby Defra on our behalf and we will keep you updated on any future developments.


If you have any questions about the BTGA Technical Committee, please contact Phil Morley.


Emergency approval for Tutavir - a gentle reminder


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